6月8日学术报告:The translational program of maternal mRNAs at the oocyte-to-zygote transition
发布日期:2017-06-05 浏览次数:  信息来源:生物学院


说明: IMG_0269.JPG


    The translational program of maternal mRNAs at the oocyte-to-zygote transition


     Marco Conti教授:美国旧金山大学加州分校医学院教授,生殖科学研究中心主任。







Marco Conti,医学博士。课题组主要研究方向为减数分裂的调控机制及哺乳动物卵母细胞成熟和胚胎早期发育调控机制。Conti博士曾在国际知名学术期刊发表SCI论文百余篇,代表论文如下:

Cakmak HFranciosi F, Zamah AM, Cedars MIConti M. Dynamic secretion during meiotic reentry integrates the function of the oocyte and cumulus cells. PNAS 2016 113(9):2424-9.

 Chen J, Torcia S, Xie F, Lin CJ, Cakmak HFranciosi F, Horner K, Onodera CSong JSCedars MIRamalho-Santos MConti M. Somatic cells regulate maternal mRNA translation and developmental competence of mouse oocytes. Nat Cell Biol. 2013 15(12):1415-23.

Chen J, Melton C, Suh N, Oh JS, Horner K, Xie F, Sette C, Blelloch RConti M. Genome-wide analysis of translation reveals a critical role for deleted in azoospermia-like (Dazl) at the oocyte-to-zygote transition. Genes and Development. 2011 25(7):755-66.

Oh JS, Susor A, Conti M. Protein tyrosine kinase Wee1B is essential for metaphase II exit in mouse oocytes. Science. 2011 332(6028):462-5.

Park JY, Su YQ, Ariga M, Law E, Jin SL, Conti M. EGF-like growth factors as mediators of LH action in the ovulatory follicle. Science. 2004 303(5658):682-4.

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