发布日期:2018-09-14 浏览次数:  信息来源:生物学院



袁红莉 博士,教授,博士生导师,农业生物技术国家重点实验室固定研究人员。1987年毕业于北京农业大学微生物学专业,1990年和1995分别在中国农业大学生物学院获理学硕士和博士学位。1992年10月-1994年11月,在日本名古屋大学农学部学习。1995年开始在中国农业大学生物学院任教,从事土壤及环境微生物学的教学及科研工作。  




  1. 1983.9-1987.7 北京农业大学本科

  2. 1987.9-1990.7 北京农业大学硕士

  3. 1990.7-1995.3 中国农业大学博士

  4. 1991.10-1992.9 东北师范大学留日预备学校学习日语

  5. 1992.10-1994.11 日本名古屋大学农学部联合培养博士

  6. 1995.4-至今历任中国农业大学生物学院讲师、副教授、教授


  1. 生物质资源的转化及利用;

  2. 污染土壤及水体的微生物防治;

  3. 新型植物生长调节剂研究及产品开发。






hlyuan at cau.edu.cn



  1. Deng, Y., Deng, C., Yang, J., Li, B., Wang, E., and Yuan, H*. Novel Butane- Oxidizing Bacteria and Diversity of bmoX Genes in Puguang Gas Field. Frontiers in microbiology, 2018, 9, 1576

  2. Li, W., Yang, J., Zhang, D., Li, B., Wang, E., and Yuan, H*. Concentration and Community of Airborne Bacteria in Response to Cyclical Haze Events During the Fall and Midwinter in Beijing, China. Frontiers in microbiology,2018, 9, 1741

  3. Yi Yang, Jinshui Yang, Jiawen Liu, Ruonan Wang, Liang Liu, Fengqin Wang, Hongli Yuan*. The composition of accessory enzymes of Penicillium chrysogenum P33 revealed by secretome and synergistic effects with commercial cellulase on lignocellulose hydrolysis. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 257: 54–61

  4. Yi Yang, Jinshui Yang, Baozhen Li, Entao Wang, Hongli Yuan*. An esterase from Penicillium decumbens P6 involved in lignite depolymerization. Fuel, 2018, 214:416–422

  5. Yi Yang, Ning Zhu, Jinshui Yang, Yujian Lin, Jiawen Liu, Ruonan Wang, Fengqin Wang,  Hongli Yuan*. A novel bifunctional acetyl xylan esterase/arabinofuranosidase from Penicillium chrysogenum P33 enhances enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulose. Microbial Cell Factories, 2017,16: 166(1-12)

  6. Cong Liu, Jinshui Yang, Liang Liu, Baozhen Li, Hongli Yuan*, Weijie Liu. Sodium lactate negatively regulates biofilm formation of Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 via a three-component regulatory system (LrbS-LrbA-LrbR).Applied and Environmental Microbiology,2017,83 (14)e00712-17

  7. 7) Jiawen Liu, Ning Zhu, Jinshui Yang, Yi Yang, Ruonan Wang, Liang Liu and Hongli Yuan*. Lipopeptide produced from Bacillus sp. W112 improves the hydrolysis of lignocellulose by specifically reducing non-productive binding of cellulases with and without CBMs. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2017,10:301

  8. 8) Deng, Chunping, Yu, Xuejian, Yang, Jinshui, Li, Baozhen, Sun, Weilin, Yuan, Hongli.* Universal Indicators for Oil and Gas Prospecting Based on Bacterial Communities Shaped by Light-Hydrocarbon Microseepage in China. Journal of microbiology and biotechnology, 2016, 26:1320-1332.

  9. 9) Ying Zhang, Chunping Deng, Bin Shen, Jinshui Yang, Entao Wang, Hongli Yuan*. Syntrophic Interactions Within a Butane-Oxidizing Bacterial Consortium Isolated from Puguang Gas Field in China.Microbial Ecology, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s00248-016-0799-20.

  10. 10Ning Zhu, Jinshui Yang, Lei Ji, Jiawen Liu, Yi Yang, Hongli* Yuan. Metagenomic and metaproteomic analyses of a corn stover-adapted microbial consortium EMSD5 reveal its taxonomic and enzymatic basis for degrading lignocellulose. Biotechnology for Biofuels20169:243.

  11. 11) JinShui Yang FengLong YangYang YangGuanLan XingChunPing DengYaTing ShenLiQiang LuoBaoZhen Li HongLi Yuan*A proposal of“core enzyme” bioindicator in long-term Pb-Zn ore pollution areas based on topsoil property analysisEnvironmental Pollution2016213760-769.

  12. 12) Zhu, NingLiu, JiawenYang, JinshuiLin, YujianYang, YiJi, LeiLi, Meng Yuan, Hongli*Comparative analysis of the secretomes of Schizophyllum commune and other wood-decay basidiomycetes during solid-state fermentation reveals its unique lignocellulose-degrading enzyme system. Biotechnology for Biofuels20169:42.

  13. 13) Li, XiaolongLuo, LijinYang, JinshuiLi, Baozhen Yuan, Hongli*Mechanisms for Solubilization of Various Insoluble Phosphates and Activation of Immobilized Phosphates in Different Soils by an Efficient and Salinity-Tolerant Aspergillus niger Strain An2.Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology20151755):2755-2768.

  14. 14) Gao, Tong GuoXu, Yuan YuanJiang, FengLi, Bao ZhenYang, Jin ShuiWang, En Tao Yuan, Hong Li*Nodulation Characterization and Proteomic Profiling of Bradyrhizobium liaoningense CCBAU05525 in Response to Water-Soluble Humic MaterialsScientific Reports20155.

  15. 15) Chen, NanYu, Xue-JianYang, Jin-ShuiWang, En-TaoLi, Bao-Zhen Yuan, Hong-Li*Novosphingobium tardum sp nov., isolated from sediment of a freshwater lake. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology20151081):51-57.

  16. 16) Li, ChuneYang, JinshuiWang, XinWang, EntaoLi, BaozhenHe, Ruoxue Yuan, Hongli*.Removal of nitrogen by heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification of a phosphate accumulating bacterium Pseudomonas stutzeri YG-24. Bioresource Technology201518218-25.

  17. 17) Chen, NanYang, Jin-ShuiQu, Jiang-HangLi, Hai-FengLiu, Wei-JieLi, Bao-ZhenWang, En Tao Yuan, Hong-Li*Sediment prokaryote communities in different sites of eutrophic Lake Taihu and their interactions with environmental factors. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology2015316):883-896.

  18. 18) Zhang, Nan NanSun, Yan MeiWang, En TaoYang, Jin Shui Yuan, Hong Li*Scow, Kate M.Effects of intercropping and Rhizobial inoculation on the ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in rhizospheres of maize and faba bean plants. Applied Soil Ecology20158576-85.

  19. 19) Ji, LeiYang, JinshuiFan, HuaYang, YiLi, BaozhenYu, XuejianZhu, Ning Yuan, Hongli*Synergy of crude enzyme cocktail from cold-adapted Cladosporium cladosporioides Ch2-2 with commercial xylanase achieving high sugars yield at low cost. Biotechnology for Biofuels20147.

  20. 20) Jin Shui Yang Hong Li Yuan*Baozhen LiIdentification and biodegradation potential of two newly isolated hydrocarbon-degradating microorganisms. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research201469):438-443.



  1. 中华农业科技奖,二等奖,微生物降解褐煤生产黄腐酸技术及作物专用新产品研制,中华人民共和国农业部、中国农学会,2011.10 1完成人

  2. 科学技术进步奖,规模化沼气工程沼渣沼液高值利用关键技术及设备研发与应用,二等奖,中华人民共和国教育部,2018.02

  3. 神农中华农业科技奖,二等奖,规模化沼气工程沼渣沼液高值利用关键技术及设备研发与应用,中华人民共和国农业部、中国农学会,2017,11,第10完成人

  4. 神农中华农业科技奖,作物化学调控创新团队优秀创新团队奖(等同于科研成果一等奖), 2015.09,第12完成人,第10完成人

  5. 国土资源科学技术奖(国土资源部):首都北京及周边地区水、土环境污染机理及调控原理, 一等奖, 2010.12,15完成人


  1. 国家自然基金面上项目,31770541,基于黄腐酸介导的大豆-根际微生物互作机制研究,2018/01-2021/12, 64万元,在研,主持

  2. 国家重点研发计划项目,2017YFD0201301-02,新型高效植物生长调节剂和生物除草剂研发,2017/07-2020/12, 50万元,在研,参加

  3. 国家自然基金面上项目,31470232,北京地区灰霾空气微生物特征及其与灰霾污染物相关性研究,2015/01-2018/1286万元,在研,主持

  4. 国家自然基金面上项目,31270533,油气田土壤丁烷氧化菌群落组成及其分子探针的研究,2013/01-2016/1281万元,在研,主持

  5. 中国地质调查局地质调查工作项目,12120113015200,矿区土壤酶类对重金属的抑制与激活作用及重金属抗性基因多样性研究,2013/01-2015/12100万元,结题,主持

  6. 十二五”863重点项目,2011AA10A206,植物生长调节剂、生物除草剂研究与产品创制,2011/11-2015/1060万元,结题,主要参加

  7. 国家自然基金面上项目,31070105,富营养化水体沉积物的宏基因组学及聚磷菌多样性研究,2011/01-2013/12, 32 万元,结题,主持

  8. 中日合作项目(日本公益财团法人住友财团资助项目),103096,微生物通过黄沙扩散的机制研究及日中共同研究平台的建立,2010/01-2011/1230万元,结题,中方负责人

  9. 国土资源部公益性行业科研专项,200911043-24C1-C4烃氧化菌的分子生物学研究,2009/08-2012/0754万元,结题,主持

  10. 国家自然基金面上项目,30670071,水-沉积物界面生物地球化学作用与磷循环,2007/01-2009/1230万元,结题,主持

  11. 十一五”863重点项目,2006AA10A213,植物生物调节剂研究与创制,2006/12 -2010/1165万元,结题,副组长,主要参加

  12. 国家自然科学基金项目,30370040,褐煤的微生物降解产物腐殖酸的固氮活性研究,2004/01-2006/1220万元,结题,主持

  13. 十五”863重点项目,2003AA241170 新型植物生长调节剂关键技术研究与新产品开发,30万元,2003/11-2006/10,结题,参加

  14. 国家自然科学基金项目,39800005,微生物降解褐煤产生黄腐酸的研究,1999/01-2001/1211万元,结题,主持


  1. 袁红莉、陈文新. 微生物降解生产黄腐酸方法. 发明专利,ZL02158189.4

  2. 袁红莉、高同国、姜峰、杨金水. 黄腐酸-根瘤菌生物型豆科植物种子包衣剂及其制备方法. 发明专利,ZL201010259654.8

  3. 袁红莉、陈楠、高同国、李宝珍. 一种具有稳定性能的沼液有机营养液及其生产方法. 发明专利,ZL201010259669.4

  4. 袁红莉、于学健. 促进甜叶菊生长的组合物及其制备方法. 发明专利, ZL 201210001790.6

  5. 袁红莉、高同国、杨金水. 促进豆科植物结瘤固氮的组合物及其制备方法. 发明专利, ZL 201210001873.5

  6. 袁红莉、李海峰、杨金水、李宝珍. 一种施氏假单胞菌及其在水体除磷中的应用. 发明专利, ZL201010538869.3 1/3

  7. 袁红莉、于学健. 一种用β-环糊精葡萄糖基转移酶提高甜菊糖苷味质的方法. 发明专利,ZL201110379733.7

  8. 杨金水、李静、袁红莉、李宝珍.一种巨大芽孢杆菌及其在处理印染废水中的应用. 发明专利,ZL201010266843.8



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