发布日期:2019-10-08 浏览次数:  信息来源:生物学院



  杜旭光 教授,博士生导师,中国农业大学畜禽生物育种全国重点实验室杰出引进人才,入选中国农业大学“青年新星A类人才培养计划”。 长期从事畜禽基因编辑与干细胞胚胎工程研究方向,主要工作内容包括畜禽智能分子设计育种、人类疾病大动物模型以及异种器官移植供体制备等。近年来主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金等项目十多项。以第一作者和通讯作者在PNAS、Cell Discovery等杂志发表研究论文三十多篇,授权国际/国内专利7项,参与编写《动物克隆与基因组编辑》、《Livestock Genome Editing Tools》等专著。


1. Guo W, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Li Y, Du Q, Zhang T, Hu J, Yao Y, Zhang J, Xu Y, Cui X, Sun Z, You M, Yu G, Zhang H, Du X, Xu J, Yu S. Mettl3-dependent m6A modification is essential for effector differentiation and memory formation of CD8+ T cells. Sci Bull. 2024 Jan 15;69(1):82-96. (Corresponding author)

2. You M, Liu J, Li J, Ji C, Ni H, Guo W, Zhang J, Jia W, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Yao Y, Yu G, Ji H, Wang X, Han D, Du X, Xu MM, Yu S. Mettl3-m6A-Creb1 forms an intrinsic regulatory axis in maintaining iNKT cell pool and functional differentiation. Cell Rep. 2023 Jun 27;42(6):112584. (Corresponding author)

3. Li Y, Lian D, Wang J, Zhao Y, Li Y, Liu G, Wu S, Deng S, Du X, Lian Z. MDM2 antagonists promote CRISPR/Cas9-mediated precise genome editing in sheep primary cells. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2023 Jan 2;31:309-323. (Corresponding author)

4. Qin Y, Li C, Gao X, Wu Y, Guo Z, Gao F, Yu D, Wu S, Du X. Derivation of transgene-free bat induced pluripotent stem cells amenable to chimera formation in mice, pigs, and chicks. Cell Discov. 2023 Sep 5;9(1):91. (Corresponding author)

5. Du X, Guo Z, Fan W, Hai T, Gao F, Li P, Qin Y, Chen C, Han Z, Ren J, Jiao P, Liu W, Bi Y, Yu D, Wu S. Establishment of a humanized swine model for COVID-19. Cell Discov. 2021 Aug 17;7(1):70. (Co-first author)

6. Feng T, Li Z, Qi X, Liu J, Gao F, Ma Z, Chen C, Cao G, Wang J, Wu S, Du X. Measuring targeting specificity of genome-editing by nuclear transfer and sequencing (NT-seq). Cell Discov. 2020 Nov 3;6(1):78. (Corresponding author)

7. Li P, Zhang L, Li Z, Xu C, Du X, Wu S. Cas12a mediates efficient and precise endogenous gene tagging via MITI: microhomology-dependent targeted integrations. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2020 Oct;77(19):3875-3884. (Corresponding author)

8. Li Z, Duan X, An X, Feng T, Li P, Li L, Liu J, Wu P, Pan D, Du X, Wu S. Efficient RNA-guided base editing for disease modeling in pigs. Cell Discov. 2018 Dec 18;4:64. (Corresponding author)

9. Yu D, Wang J, Zou H, Feng T, Chen L, Li J, Qi X, Li Z, Duan X, Xu C, Zhang L, Long X, Lan J, Chen C, Wang C, Xu X, Ren J, Zhao Y, Hu X, Lian Z, Men H, Pan D, Li N, Capecchi MR, Du X, Zhao Y, Wu S. Silencing of retrotransposon-derived imprinted gene RTL1 is the main cause for postimplantational failures in mammalian cloning. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Nov 20;115(47):E11071-E11080. (Corresponding author)

10. Xu C, Qi X, Du X, Zou H, Gao F, Feng T, Lu H, Li S, An X, Zhang L, Wu Y, Liu Y, Li N, Capecchi MR, Wu S. piggyBac mediates efficient in vivo CRISPR library screening for tumorigenesis in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Jan 24;114(4):722-727. (Co-first author)


1. 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划课题,2023YFF1000204,自主知识产权基因编辑农业动物种质资源创新和应用, 2023-122028-11750.00万元,在研,主持;

2. 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划子课题,2021YFA0805905,模式猪种质资源库和信息库的建立, 2021-122026-11600.00万元,在研,主持


邮件:xuguangdu at cau.edu.cn


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