发布日期:2022-10-04 浏览次数:  信息来源:生物学院



梁鹏博 博士生导师。2022年8月以“青年研究员”引进中国农业大学,任职生物学院微生物学与免疫学系研究员。研究领域为植物-微生物互作,通讯/第一作者研究成果发表于PNAS、Current Biology等期刊6篇,以合作者发表论文5篇,获批国家专利1项。多次受邀到领域权威学术会议进行学术报告和交流,如第15届欧洲固氮大会(ENFC2023·意大利·那不勒斯),第14届欧洲固氮大会(ENFC2021·丹麦·奥胡斯),第13届欧洲固氮大会(ENFC2018·瑞典·斯德哥尔摩),第18届国际植物-微生物互作大会(MPMI2019·英国·格拉斯哥)。


2022.08-现在      中国农业大学生物学院      研究员(独立PI)

2020.10-2022.03    德国弗莱堡大学生物学院     博士后

2016.10-2020.10    德国弗莱堡大学生物学院     博士

2015.10-2016.10    德国慕尼黑大学生物学院     博士

2013.01-2015.07    中国农业科学院植物保护研究所   硕士(联合培养)

2012.09-2015.07    中国农业大学园艺学院      硕士

2008.09-2012.07    内蒙古农业大学         本科








电  话: 

邮  件:pbliang at cau.edu.cn



[1]Lijin Qiao, Jieshun Lin, Takuya Suzaki, Pengbo Liang. Staying hungry: a roadmap to harnessing central regulators of symbiotic nitrogen fixation under fluctuating nitrogen availability. aBIOTECH. 2023

[2]Pengbo Liang, Clara Schmitz, Beatrice Lace, Franck A. Ditengou, Chao Su, Eija Schulze, Julian Knerr, Robert Grosse, Jean Keller, Cyril Libourel, Pierre-Marc Delaux, Thomas Ott.Formin-mediated bridging of cell wall, plasma membrane, and cytoskeleton in symbiotic infections of Medicago truncatula. Current Biology.2021

[3] Pengbo Liang, Thomas F. Stratil, Claudia Popp, Macarena Marín, Jessica Folgmann, Kirankumar S. Mysore, Jiangqi Wen, Thomas Ott. Symbiotic root infections in Medicago truncatularequire remorin-mediated receptor stabilization in membrane nanodomains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A. 2018

[4] Pengbo Liang, Beatriz Navarro, Zhixiang Zhang, Hongqing Wang, Meiguang Lu, Hong Xiao, Qingfa Wu, Xueping Zhou, Francesco Di Serio, Shifang Li.Identification and characterization of a novel geminivirus with monopartite genome infecting apple trees. Journal of General Virology. 2015

[5]Pengbo Liang, Zhixiang Zhang, Fei Liu, Meiguang Lu, Shifang Li, Hongqing Wang.Identification of viral pathogens associated with apple mosaic disease by deep sequencing of small RNAs. Journal of Fruit Science. 2016

[6]Pengbo Liang, Jean Keller, Clara Schmitz, Pierre-Marc Delaux, Thomas Ott.The SYFO-mediated cell wall- plasma membrane- cytoskeleton continuum is required for. symbiotic infections in Medicago truncatula. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions.2019

[7] Chao Su, Marta Rodriguez-Franco, Beatrice Lace, Nils Nebel, Casandra Hernandez-Reyes, Pengbo Liang, Eija Schulze, Evgeny V. Mymrikov, Nikolas M. Gross, Julian Knerr, Hong Wang, Lina Siukstaite, Jean Keller, Cyril Libourel, Alexandra A. M. Fischer, Katharina E. Gabor, Eric Mark, Claudia Popp, Carola Hunte, Wilfried Weber, Petra Wendler, Thomas Stanislas, Pierre-Marc Delaux, Oliver Einsle, Robert Grosse, Winfried Römer, Thomas Ott. Stabilization of membrane topologies by proteinaceous remorin scaffolds. Nature Communications. 2023

[8] Chao Su, Guofeng Zhang, Marta Rodriguez-Franco, Rosula Hinnenberg, Jenny Wietschorke, Pengbo Liang, Wei Yang, Leonard Uhler, Xia Li, Thomas Ott. Transcellular progression of infection threads in Medicago truncatularoots is associated with locally confined cell wall modifications. Current Biology.2023

[9] Navarro Beatriz, Pengbo Liang, Yuxin Ma, Francesco Di Serio, Shifang Li.Identificazione di geminivirus in piante arboree mediante sequenziamento ad alta prestazione. Protezione delle Colture.2016

[10]Lü Qin, Yuxin Ma, Pengbo Liang, Zhongyang Tan, Shifang Li.Differential distributions of mononucleotide repeat sequences in 256 viral genomes and its potential implications. Gene2014

[11]Zhe Zhao, Yun Yu, Zhixiang Zhang, Pengbo Liang, Yuxin Ma, Shifang Li, Hongqing Wang. A duplex, SYBR Green I-based RT-qPCR assay for the simultaneous detection of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus and Cherry green ring mottle virus in peach. Virology Journal.2013

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