发布日期:2018-09-14 浏览次数:21277  信息来源:生物学院



田长富 教授,博士研究生导师,2012年入职中国农业大学生物学院微生物学与免疫学系,2013年获得大北农青年学者奖并入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2015年获得国家自然基金委优秀青年基金。主要从事根瘤菌与豆科植物共生固氮体系的研究——综合应用分子生态学、分子遗传学及进化学等手段来研究根瘤菌在腐生和共生阶段的生存与演化机制。参加工作以来,以通讯作者在综合性期刊 PNAS 和领域专业期刊Nucleic Acids Research、ISME J (2篇)、mBio (4篇)、PLoS Genetics、mSystems、Environ Microbiol、Soil Biol Biochem (2篇)、Appl Environ Microbiol (4篇,2篇为亮点文章)、Mol Plant Microbe Interact (2篇)、J Biogeography、Comput Struct Biotech J等杂志发表25篇SCI文章 (Publication list on ResearchGate)。(1) 提出了“根瘤菌适应性演化与物种形成与分化相关性”的工作模型。(2) 用菌种水平的高通量研究方法揭示了豆科植物根际土壤中根瘤菌的多样性及其生物地理分布特征,为根瘤菌剂菌种选用及使用过程中实现“知己知彼、百战不殆”打下了基础。(3) 在结瘤固氮功能的整合优化机制方面,揭示了:“共进化的ISs”所介导的大豆根瘤菌共生匹配性的适应性演化机制;处于不同复制子及不同保守程度的核心与附属基因的差异化协同表达调控,在根瘤菌适应不同宿主植物过程中发挥了重要作用;锌指转录因子MucR作为外源基因沉默子平衡根瘤菌“适应性”与“调控完整性”的作用机制。  

在国际植物-生物互作会议 (2021)、国际生物固氮大会 (2019)、欧洲生物固氮会议 (2018、2016、2014、2012)、亚洲生物固氮会议 (2014、2012、2010)、全国生物固氮研讨会 (2021、2018、2016、2014、2011)、全国微生物遗传学会议 (2012)、国际菌种保藏大会 (2013)、全国微生物资源学术研讨会 (2015)、中国微生物学年会 (2017、2016、2015;主旨报告)、全国微生物基因组学会议 (2016)、全国土壤生物与生物化学学术研讨会 (2017)、全国生物系统学学术论坛 (2017) 、全国土壤微生物学术研讨会暨全国微生物肥料生产技术研讨会(2018)等国内外重要会议上作了口头学术报告。

近年来,应邀为 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews、PNAS、Nature Communications、ISME J、Mole Biol Evol、New Phytologist、Plant Biotechnology J、ACS Synth Biol Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, PNAS, Nature Communications, ISME J, Mole Biol Evol, New Phytologist, Plant Biotechnology J, ACS Synth Biol,Mol Plant-Microbe Interact, Appl Environ Microbiol, J Molecular Evolution,BMC Genomics,Genes, BMC Microbiol, Gene, FEMS Microbiology Ecology,FEMS Microbiol Lett, Arch Microbiol, J Environ Sci, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, Front Microbiol, Front Plant Sci, Plant Science, J Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Applied Soil Ecology, J Soils and Sediments, J Arid Environments, Science China Life Sciences, Scientific Reports, PLoS One等专业刊物评审稿件。



2018/1- 至今,中国农业大学,生物学院,教授

2013/1- 2017/12,中国农业大学,生物学院,副教授

2012/3- 2012/12,中国农业大学,生物学院,讲师

2010/3- 2012/3, 中国农业大学,农学与生物技术学院,博士后



2007/9-2009/9, Laboratoire des Interactions Plantes-Microrganismes (LIPM), CNRS-INRA, France,微生物与植物互作,联合培养博士

1999/9-2003/7, 中国农业大学,农学与生物技术学院,植物遗传育种,本科






参讲本科生课程 《微生物生理学》

参讲本科生课程 《生态学》

参讲研究生课程 《高级微生物学与免疫学》



邮件:cftian at cau.edu.cn



(通讯作者或第一作者文章*通讯作者; #, 同等贡献)

(1) 英文文章

29. Shi WT, Zhang B, Li ML, Liu KH, Jiao J*, Tian CF*. 2022. The convergent xenogeneic silencer MucR predisposes α-proteobacteria to integrate AT-rich symbiosis genes. Nucleic Acids Research. (5Y-IF = 17.21; Accepted)

28. Feng XY, Tian Y, Cui WJ, Li YZ, Wang D, Liu Y, Jiao J, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2022. The PTSNtr-KdpDE-KdpFABC pathway contributes to low potassium stress adaptation and competitive nodulation of Sinorhizobium frediimBio13: e03721-21(5Y-IF = 8.483)

27. Liu KH, Zhang B, Yang BS, Shi WT, Li YF, Wang Y, Zhang P, Jiao J*, Tian CF*. 2022. Rhizobiales-specific RirA represses a naturally "synthetic" foreign siderophore gene cluster to maintain Sinorhizobium-legume mutualism. mBio. 13: e02900-21 (5Y-IF = 8.483) 

26. Jiao J#, Zhang B#, Li ML, Zhang Z*, Tian CF*. 2022. The zinc-finger bearing xenogeneic silencer MucR in α-proteobacteria balances adaptation and regulatory integrityISME J. 16: 738-749 (Full text; 5Y-IF = 13.214)

25. Li ML, Jiao J, Zhang B, Shi WT, Yu WH, Tian CF*. 2021. Global transcriptional repression of diguanylate cyclases by MucR1 is essential for Sinorhizobium-soybean symbiosis. mBio. 12: e01192-21 (5Y-IF = 8.483; Correction)

24. Cui WJ#, Zhang B#, Zhao R, Liu LX, Jiao J, Zhang Z*, Tian CF*. 2021. Lineage-specific rewiring of core pathways predating innovation of legume nodules shapes symbiotic efficiency. mSystems6(2): e01299-20 (5Y-IF = 9.039)

23.  Jiao J, Tian CF*. 2020.Ancestral zinc-finger bearing protein MucR in alpha-proteobacteria : A novel xenogeneic silencer? Comput. Struct. Biotechnol. J.18: 3623-3631 (5Y-IF = 6.836) (Invited Review)

22. Zhang P, Zhang B, Jiao J, Dai SQ, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2020. Modulation of symbiotic compatibility by rhizobial zinc starvation machinery. mBio. 11: e03193-19 (5Y-IF = 8.483)

21. Sun YW, Li Y, Hu Y, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2019.Coordinated regulation of the size and number of polyhydroxybutyrate granules by core and accessory phasins in the facultative microsymbiont Sinorhizobium fredii NGR234Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 85(19):e00717-19 (5Y-IF = 5.632) (杂志亮点文章)

20. Jiao J#, Ni M#, Zhang B, Zhang Z, Young JPW, Chan TF, Chen WX, Lam HM*, Tian CF*.  2018. Coordinated regulation of core and accessory genes in the multipartite genome of Sinorhizobium fredii. PLoS Genetics. 14(5): e1007428 (5Y-IF = 6.514) 

19. Hu Y, Jiao J, Liu LX, Sun YW, Chen WF, Sui XH, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2018. Evidence for phosphate starvation of rhizobia without terminal differentiation in legume nodulesMol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 31: 1060-1068 (5Y-IF = 4.274)

18. Wang XL, Cui WJ, Feng XY, Zhong ZM, Li Y, Chen WX, Chen WF, Shao XM*, Tian CF*. 2018. Rhizobia inhabiting nodules and rhizosphere soils of alfalfa: A strong selection of facultative microsymbionts. Soil Biol. Biochem. 116:340350. (5Y-IF = 9.956).

17. Zhao R#, Liu LX#, Zhang YZ, Jiao J, Cui WJ, Zhang B, Wang XL, Li ML, Chen Y, Xiong ZQ, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2018. Adaptive evolution of rhizobial symbiotic compatibility mediated by co-evolved insertion sequencesISME J. 12:101111. (5Y-IF = 13.214)

16. Liu LX, Li QQ, Zhang YZ, Hu Y, Jiao J, Guo HJ, Zhang XX, Zhang B, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2017. The nitrate-reduction gene cluster components exert lineage-dependent contributions to optimization of Sinorhizobium symbiosis with soybeansEnviron. Microbiol. 19: 49264938. (5Y-IF = 6.82).

15. Xiong HY, Zhang XX, Guo HJ, Ji YY, Li Y, Wang XL, Zhao W, Mo FY, Cheng CJ, Yang T, Zong X, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2017. The epidemicity of facultative microsymbionts in faba bean rhizosphere soilsSoil Biol. Biochem. 115: 243252 (5Y-IF = 9.956).

14. Zhang XX#, Guo HJ#, Jiao J, Zhang P, Xiong HY, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2017. Pyrosequencing of rpoB uncovers a significant biogeographical pattern of rhizobial species in soybean rhizosphereJ. Biogeogr. 44:1491–1499. (5Y-IF = 4.752)

13. Jiao J#, Wu LJ#, Zhang B, Hu Y, Li Y, Zhang XX, Guo HJ, Liu LX, Chen WX, Zhang Z, Tian CF*. 2016. MucR is required for transcriptional activation of conserved ion transporters to support nitrogen fixation of Sinorhizobium fredii in soybean nodulesMol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 29:352–361. (5Y-IF = 4.274)

12. Li YZ#, Wang D#, Feng XY, Jiao J, Chen WX, Tian CF*. 2016. Genetic analysis reveals the essential role of nitrogen phosphotransferase system components in Sinorhizobium fredii CCBAU 45436 symbioses with soybean and pigeonpea plantsAppl. Environ. Microbiol. 82:1305–1315. (5Y-IF = 5.632) (杂志亮点文章)

11. Wang D#, Wang YC#, Wu LJ, Liu JX, Zhang P, Jiao J, Yan H, Liu T, Tian CF*, Chen WX. 2016. Construction and pilot screening of a signature-tagged mutant library of Sinorhizobium frediiArch. Microbiol. 198:91–99. (5Y-IF = 2.729)

10. Liu T, Tian CF*, Chen WX. 2015. Site-specific Ser/Thr/Tyr phosphoproteome of Sinorhizobium meliloti at stationary phasePLoS One 10:e0139143. (5Y-IF = 4.069)

9. Guo HJ, Wang ET, Zhang XX, Li QQ, Zhang YM, Tian CF*, Chen WX. 2014. Replicon-dependent differentiation of symbiosis-related genes in Sinorhizobium nodulating Glycine maxAppl. Environ. Microbiol. 80:1245–1255. (5Y-IF = 5.632)

8. Zhang XX, Guo HJ, Wang R, Sui XH, Zhang YM, Wang ET, Tian CF*, Chen WX. 2014. Genetic divergence of Bradyrhizobium nodulating soybeans as revealed by multilocus sequence analysis of genes inside and outside the symbiosis islandAppl. Environ. Microbiol. 80:3181–3190. (5Y-IF = 5.632)

7. Li Y, Tian CF*, Chen WF, Wang L, Sui XH, Chen WX. 2013. High-resolution transcriptomic analyses of Sinorhizobium sp. NGR234 bacteroids in determinate nodules of Vigna unguiculata and indeterminate nodules of Leucaena leucocephalaPLoS One 8:e70531. (5Y-IF = 4.069)

6. Tian CF*, Zhou YJ, Zhang YM, Li QQ, Zhang YZ, Li DF, Wang S, Wang J, Gilbert LB, Li YR*, Chen WX. 2012. Comparative genomics of rhizobia nodulating soybean suggests extensive recruitment of lineage-specific genes in adaptationsProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 109:8629–8634. (5Y-IF = 13.45)

5. Tian CF, Garnerone A-M, Mathieu-Demazière C, Masson-Boivin C, Batut J*. 2012. Plant-activated bacterial receptor adenylate cyclases modulate epidermal infection in the Sinorhizobium meliloti-Medicago symbiosisProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 109:6751–6756. (5Y-IF = 13.45)

4. Zhang YM, Tian CF*, Sui XH, Chen WF, Chen WX. 2012. Robust markers reflecting phylogeny and taxonomy of rhizobiaPLoS One 7:e44936. (5Y-IF = 4.069)

3. Tian CF, Young JPW, Wang ET, Tamimi SM, Chen WX, Chen WX*. 2010. Population mixing of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae nodulating Vicia faba: the role of recombination and lateral gene transferFEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 73: 563–76. (5Y-IF = 5.78)

2. Tian CF, Wang ET, Wu LJ, Han TX, Chen WF, Gu CT, et al. Chen WX*. 2008. Rhizobium fabae sp nov., a bacterium that nodulates Vicia fabaInt. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 58: 2871–2875. (5Y-IF = 2.925)

1. Tian CF, Wang ET, Han TX, Sui XH, Chen WX*. 2007. Genetic diversity of rhizobia associated with Vicia faba in three ecological regions of ChinaArch. Microbiol. 188: 273–282. (5Y-IF =2.729)


(2) 中文文章

1. 焦健, 田长富*. 2019. 根瘤菌共生固氮能力的进化模式. 微生物学通报 46:388–397. (综述)



1. 陈文新(主编),汪恩涛(主编),陈文峰(副主编),田长富(副主编). 《中国根瘤菌》北京:科学出版社.  2011

2. 田长富,陈文新根瘤菌的进化:核心基因组与附属基因组喻子牛,邵宗泽,孙明《中国微生物基因组研究》北京:科学出版社. 2012.  144-150

3. En Tao Wang, Wen Feng Chen, Chang Fu Tian, J. Peter W. Young, Wen Xin Chen. Ecology and Evolution of Rhizobia: Principles and Applications. Springer. 2019.

4. Zhang B, Jiao J, Zhang P, Cui WJ, Zhang Z, Tian CF*. 2021. Comparative Analysis of Core and Accessory Genes in Coexpression NetworkMethods in Molecular Biology 2242:45-58 (in book: Bacterial Pangenomics)




2021.1-2024.12 国家自然基金委面上项目 (主持)

2020.1-2024.12 国家重点研发计划项目 (课题负责人)

2016.1-2019.12 国家自然基金委面上项目 (主持)

2016.1-2018.12 国家自然基金委优秀青年基金 (主持)

2015.1-2019.08 青年973 (参加,项目合作单位负责人)

2014.1-2016.12 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 (主持)

2014.1-2014.12 农业生物技术国家重点实验室青年人才课题 (主持)

2013.1-2015.12 国家自然基金委青年基金 (主持)

2012.9-2014.12 中国农业大学新教师科研启动基金 (主持)


国际根瘤菌与土壤杆菌分类委员会委员 (2016-)

中国微生物学会普通微生物学专业委员会委员 (2016-)

中国微生物学会农业微生物学专业委员会委员 (2016-)

中国土壤学会土壤生物与生化专业委员会委员 (2016-)

中国微生物学会微生物资源专业委员会委员 (2021-)

中国农业生物技术学会理事 (2021-)

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